Wind Power is Free -- Make Your Own Generator

Wind Power  - Is it Right For Your Home?

Wind Power is free, but maybe you are concerned with the cost of purchasing your own system.  It could take a long time to save enough to make the purchase cost effective.   The manufactured systems are very expensive, so I had ruled out the possibility of having my own system, until I learned of the home made energy system that gives such clear instructions that even my teen-aged grandson can follow them.

Perhaps you are interested in helping to preserve the environment  or maybe are concerned about the ever increasing utility bills.  I use my home computer almost daily for 8-12 hours, and I have the other modern appliances -- TV, refrigerator, etc.-- that make the American life so enviable, and I am unwilling to give up the joys of these pleasures.  The good news is that my home made energy is able to power them all without a utility bill.  And the cost to build is under $200.00!

When I began to investigate these home made windmills, I became excited to learn that it is possible to store the generated electricity in a storage battery until the non-windy days.  And is it is hocked up to your electric meter, the utility company will gladly pay you for any extra energy that you would like to sell.

It is really very good to have a solar panel also set up to generate power for non-windy times.  And that energy can also be stored for use when the sun is not shining.  The two systems compliment each other and are each able to be built for under $200.00.  The guide provides all the details about where to find the component for both systems for very reasonable cost. This is a personal solution for our current energy crisis. Just imagine how much the price of gas could drop if we all generated our own electricity for our homes.